Friday 14 September 2012

5 Signs it's Time for a New Strategy

I have written often about making strategic marketing changes. This post addresses the question “How will I know when it's time for a change?”

1.) It's Always about Price

If your customers are always making buying decisions based primarily on price, then its time to thoroughly re-examine your marketing strategy. An effective strategy offers your customers things they need and want, and that they can't get from the competition. Your customers have a vivid imagination, and their “nice-to-have” list is continually expanding. If you do a good job of delivering those results, the “nice-to-haves” migrate to “must-haves”, and you have outmaneuvered the competition. Additionally, your price and margin situation will also improve.

If you don't offer your customers these distinctions, you'll never get out of the downward price spiral.

2.) You're Losing Good People

If your best staff are looking to move on, this is another sign that it's time for reconsideration. Really good employees are looking for a challenge, and for a place where they can grow. If they have decided that working for you is no longer interesting or challenging, they will look elsewhere. Further, your best people are on the look-out for innovative ways to address the market. If you can't provide that, others will. Address this situation now, before the best are gone and only the mediocre remain. That will make it even harder to turn things around.

3.) The Annual Plan is a Photocopy

Perhaps a more up-to-date sign would be if this year's plan is really just a cut-and-paste version of the last one. Try this test: Pull out the plan from 5 years ago, and highlight 3 major differences in this year's plan. Hard to do? Then it is time for major change. No business can succeed today with the same plan it ran 5 years ago. Too many market factors have changed. Some, radically.

4.) People Confuse You with the Competition

Is this scene familiar: you introduce yourself and your company at some business event, and people think you work for your competition? If people don't automatically know who you are, and how you differ from the competition, that's a sign that some change is needed. When people don't know what sets you apart from the competition, it's because you haven't told them. Some new ideas are in order.

5.) It Just isn't Fun Anymore.

Here is the final and most important sign. Time for a truly honest gut-check. Are things still fun? Is there a sense of adventure everyday when you get to work? Are you always interested in telling people what wonderful things your company is doing? Perhaps more interested than they are in listening to you go on and on?

This is an instinctual assessment, rather than the quantifiable ones listed above. But it is no less valid. If it isn't fun, exciting, and challenging anymore, then you (and your staff) run the risk of just going through the motions.

If these points hit home, then it is time for a change. Some real change, not just tinkering with the details. You need something radically new, and you need to shake things up.

Like the Nike ad says: Just Do It!

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